Nursing Practice Test With Answers And Rationale

  • [DOWNLOAD] Nursing Practice Test With Answers And Rationale | latest!

    A serum creatinine level of 1. Answer: D Rationale: In clients with renal disease, the serum creatinine level would be increased. The BUN also would be increased, serum albumin would be decreased, and potassium would likely be increased. Answer: A...

  • [FREE] Nursing Practice Test With Answers And Rationale

    Tricyclic antidepressants decrease bladder contractions as well as increase bladder neck resistance. Stress incontinence may be treated using pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine, ingredients found in over-the-counter decongestants. Answer: D...

  • Free 2021 NCLEX Practice Questions

    Answer: B Rationale: The most common objective finding is a change in cognitive functioning, especially in those with dementia, because these patients usually exhibit even more profound cognitive changes with the onset of a UTI. Incontinence, hematuria, and back pain are not the most common presenting objective symptoms. They should void every 2 to 3 hours. Coffee and tea are urinary irritants. The patient should shower instead of bathe in a tub because bacteria in the bath water may enter the urethra.

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  • Test Bank Nursing Questions And Answers

    Answer: C Rationale: Permanent drainage with a urethral catheter carries the greatest risk. It may also increase the risk for bladder stones, renal diseases, bladder infections, and urosepsis, a severe systemic infection by microorganisms in the urinary tract invading the bloodstream. Clean intermittent catheterization has the fewest complications and is the preferred treatment for urinary retention.

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  • NCLEX-RN Exam Cram: Practice Exam And Rationales

    Answer: C Rationale: Phenazopyridine Pyridium is a urinary analgesic agent used for the treatment of burning and pain associated with UTIs. Answer: A Rationale: Measures to prevent cystitis include voiding after sexual intercourse, wearing cotton underwear, urinating every 2 to 3 hours while awake, and taking showers instead of tub baths. Answer: C Rationale: Factors that contribute to urinary tract infection in older adults include immunocompromise, high incidence of chronic illness, immobility, and frequent use of antimicrobial agents. Answer: B Rationale: The most common fluid imbalance in older adults is dehydration. Because of reduced thirst sensation that often accompanies aging, older adults tend to drink less water. Use of diuretic medications, laxatives, or enemas may also deplete fluid volume in older adults.

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  • Fundamental Of Nursing Test: Questions With Rationale Set 1

    Chronic fluid volume deficit can lead to other problems such as electrolyte imbalances. Therefore, options A, C, and D are incorrect. Answer: C Rationale: A client with pneumonia may hyperventilate in an effort to increase oxygen intake. The below-normal value for the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide PaCO2 indicates CO2 loss and signals a respiratory component. Because the HCO3- level is normal, this imbalance has no metabolic component.

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  • Medical Surgical Test Questions With Rationale

    Therefore, the client is experiencing respiratory alkalosis. Answer: D Rationale: Treatment of severe hypokalemia requires treatment with IV infusion of potassium. If the client can tolerate the fluid, consult with the physician about diluting the potassium in a larger volume of IV solution. Oral potassium may not be enough in severe cases hypokalemia. Hypokalemia requires treatment with potassium and not any other electrolyte. The thyroid hormone, adrenal gland, or androgens do not regulate the calcium level in the blood. The HCO3- value also is below normal, reflecting an overwhelming accumulation of acids or excessive loss of base, which suggests metabolic acidosis. The PaCO2 value is normal, indicating absence of respiratory compensation. These ABG values eliminate respiratory alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, and metabolic alkalosis. Answer: B Rationale: Fluid volume deficit, or hypovolemia, occurs when the loss of extracellular fluid exceeds the intake of fluid.

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  • NCLEX-RN Practice Test Questions

    Clinical signs include oliguia, rapid heart rate, vasoconstriction, cool and clammy skin, and muscle weakness. The nurse monitors for rapid, weak pulse and orthostatic hypotension. Answer: B Rationale: Respiratory alkalosis results from alveolar hyperventilation. Metabolic acidosis is marked by a decrease in HCO3? In respiratory acidosis, the pH is less than 7. In metabolic alkalosis, the HCO3? Answer: C Rationale: The client with respiratory alkalosis may complain of light-headedness or paresthesia numbness and tingling in the arms and legs.

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  • NCLEX-RN Practice Test – Answers & Rationales (Part 1)

    Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea may accompany respiratory acidosis. Hallucinations and tinnitus rarely are associated with respiratory alkalosis or any other acid-base imbalance. Answer: A Rationale: Although changes in all these findings are seen in hyperkalemia, ECG results should take priority because changes can indicate potentially lethal arrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation. Answer: C Rationale: Administering regular insulin I. Answer: C Rationale: A pH over 7. Metabolic alkalosis is always secondary to an underlying cause and is marked by decreased amounts of acid or increased amounts of base HCO Answer: D Rationale: The management goal in hypervolemia is to reduce fluid volume.

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    For this reason, fluid is rationed, and the client is advised to take limited amount of fluid when thirsty. Sweet or dry food does not obstruct water elimination nor does it cause dehydration. Weight regulation is not part of hypervolemia management except to the extent that it is achieved on account of fluid reduction.

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  • Jurisprudence Examination: Sample Exam Questions

    Answer: B Rationale: The major chemical regulator of plasma pH is the bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer system. Therefore options A and C are incorrect. Option D does not exist, it is only a distractor for this question. Therefore, the combination of a pH value of 7. A pH value of 7. A ph value of 7. Answer: A Rationale: Poor respiratory exchange as the result of chronic lung disease, inactivity, or thoracic skeletal changes may lead to chronic respiratory acidosis.

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  • Fundamentals Of Nursing NCLEX Practice Quiz (300+ Questions)

    Decreased renal function in older adults can cause an inability to concentrate urine and is usually associated with fluid and electrolyte imbalance. A poor appetite, erratic meal patterns, inability to prepare nutritious meals, or financial circumstances may influence nutritional status, resulting in imbalances of electrolytes. Overuse of sodium bicarbonate may lead to metabolic alkalosis. Therefore, the nurse should assume the client has respiratory depression and should prepare to assist with ventilation. Answer: A Rationale: Hypervolemia, or fluid volume excess FVE , refers to an isotonic expansion of the extracellular fluid. Nursing interventions for FVE include measuring intake and output, monitoring weight, assessing breath sounds, monitoring edema, and promoting rest. The most important intervention in the list involves monitoring the respiratory status for any signs of pulmonary congestion. Breath sounds are assessed at regular intervals.

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  • NCLEX-PN Practice Test Questions

    Answer: C Rationale: Third-spacing describes the translocation of fluid from the intravascular or intercellular space to tissue compartments, where it becomes trapped and useless. The client manifests signs and symptoms of hypovolemia with the exception of weight loss. There may be signs of localized enlargement of organ cavities such as the abdomen if they fill with fluid, a condition referred to as ascites. Answer: B Rationale: Tachypnea or rapid breathing may result from various reasons including acute anxiety, high fever, thyrotoxicosis, early salicylate poisoning, hypoxemia, or mechanical ventilation.

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  • NCLEX-RN Practice Test – Answers & Rationales (Part 3)

    The rapid breathing expels more CO2 than necessary. This causes a deficit in carbonic acid, leading to respiratory alkalosis. Circumoral paresthesia is one of the symptoms. The first course of action is to detect and treat the cause of tachypnea. The nurse has to maintain mechanical ventilation if the client is dependent on it. Aspirin is not advised as early aspirin poisoning may be a cause of the tachypnea. Answer: B Rationale: The symptoms and the high level of serum sodium suggest hypernatremia, excess of sodium. It is necessary to restrict sodium intake. Salt tablets and sodium chloride IV can only worsen this condition but may be required in hyponatremia sodium deficit.

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  • NCLEX RN Practice Test

    Hypotonic solution IV may be a part of the treatment but not along with the salt tablets. Answer: A Rationale: The nurse should identify potassium: 2. Severe hypokalemia can cause cardiac and respiratory arrest, possibly leading to death. Hypokalemia also depresses the release of insulin and results in glucose intolerance.

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  • CNA Practice Exam - Certified Nursing Assistant

    A test bank is a collection of test questions tailored to the contents of an individual textbook. Type A. What is Solution Manual SM? Solutions to End of Chapter Problems. You will get mock test answers after click submit button at bottom. You will have two 2 hours to complete the NJE. Test Bank: This is a supplement to the textbook created by experts to help you with your exams. This practice nurse aide test contains 15 questions and answers. ORG This study resource was shared via CourseH The question bank will provide detailed rationales for both the correct and incorrect options. Included in the folder are the license, documentation, and Student Player installer. Benefits of Test Bank. All questions are written based on tax law through December 31, Please choose another answer.

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  • NCLEX Questions | Free Practice Exam & Rationales |

    Practicing test enhances the critical thinking skills and the individuals learn to answer in multiple choice format. Select the one that is best in each case. The purpose of this study was to assess multiple-choice questions used in test-banks accompanying selected nursing textbooks. Questions and Answers A nurse is asking questions about a patients sexual history. This examination includes four types of questions: 1 multiple choice; 2 multiple response; 3 drag and drop; and 4 hot spot. Private tutoring, training, and interpretation of rational and test results are not included with the purchase of the question bank. Each question comes with a detailed explanation rationale in support of the correct answer. Test Bank Maternity and Pediatric Nursing questions with correct answers. Yet, the nurse would be able to speak of the complications and dangers associated with these topics.

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  • ANSWERS And RATIONALE For NCLEX Review On OB/GYN – Antepartum | NCLEX Online

    Therefore, the nurse refers the parents of the: Select all that apply. This is the correct time where you have so many jobs offers you good salary with comfort life. No waiting! This question shows the candidate's awareness of the toll that nursing can take while still targeting essential actions for maintaining workflows. Sample Math Questions. Permission is not required to add a link to this resource.

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  • NCLEX-PN Practice Questions & Test Bank (200 Questions)

    D rationale the nurse should ensure that the client is not experiencing diarrhea answer choice D before administering a laxative, which will increase the frequency of bowel movements. Free Nursing School Test Bank. Practicing more model papers for Nursing Exam helps the applicants in analyzing the question paper pattern easily. Each question has four suggested answers, A , B , C or D. An oncology nurse with 15 years of experience, certification in the area of oncology nursing, and a master's degree is considered to be an expert in her area of practice and works on an oncology unit in a large teaching hospital. However it is not from the textbook. Textbook is NOT included. Learn More. Authors: McBride, Tietze. PPD B. The client smokes two packs of cigarettes per day. Nursing school banks mirror NCLEX style, with different levels of difficulty, and varied emphasis on different areas. Keep the specific content of items independent of one another.

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  • NCLEX-RN Psychiatric Nursing Practice [ Mock Test Set 2]

    A nurse is asking questions about a patients sexual history. But we are specialized in Nursing Test Bank. It may sound obvious, but you have to know which questions you missed and more importantly why you missed them to be able to avoid making the same mistakes again when you take the real test. So does your teacher. Each question has 4 options, however, only one of the answers is correct. Practice is an essential part of preparing for a test and improving a test taker's chance of success. Instructor Test Bank v2 updated July Huston Instant download Test Bank for Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing Theory and Application 7th Edition by Marquis and Huston after payment Click the… Test Bank is a collection of every question and answer your Instructor could possibly use when creating an exam or a quiz for your course. Detailed explanations for all response choices are also included. Kelley pdf, answer.

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  • NCLEX-RN Practice Test ( Current). Answers Explained.

    In this test you have to answer oncology exam questions Feedback: 1. Establishment of the first school of nursing. When you take the test, you will mark your answers on a separate machine-scorable answer sheet. Check out each question carefully and pick the best answer. What do you do? So if you buy one month, get one free. Avoid resits and get better grades with material written specifically for your studies. Answers to each are below the questions. These sample questions and answers help to reinforce your learning and act as a revision tool. Foundations of Nursing 7th Edition download pdf, answer.

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  • ANSWERS And RATIONALE For NCLEX Review On OB/GYN – Antepartum

    Many instructors rely on these resources to develop their exams. SO: The best strategy is to read around the topics suggested by the questions and not try to rote learn answers. Test Banks With Complete Answers. They were written for the sole purpose of providing test candidates an understanding of the type of questions that may appear on the SEE. If you would like to have access to the DVD content, please purchase the print copy of this title. It is a collection of exam questions based on the textbook, just like the ones you will get in your exams. Fetal Development 4. C esteem proprietary. The UWorld software also has mobile applications for Apple, Android, and Kindle to let students practice questions on the go wherever and whenever they have time. After experiencing with this free test, students can apply easily concepts into in inpatient and 9.

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  • Practice Makes Perfect: 20 NCLEX Practice Questions – ATI Nursing Blog

    Nursing interventions for the management of nausea include encouraging patients to: use spicy sauces and gravies. Questions were evaluated on a adherence to generally accepted guidelines for writing multiple-choice questions; b cognitive level as defined by Bloom's taxonomy; and c distribution of correct answers as A, B, C, or D. The length of the pole is: 1 7. Test Bank: It is an instant electronic testing asset that can be altered by speakers for their instructing. A If the cuff is not the proper width for your patient you will get a false reading on your blood pressure check. Start by 1 eliminating the wrong answers immediately, 2 consider the two probable answers remaining by question if the answer make sense with the question, and 3 if you are not able to identify the correct answer, use your instincts and make an educated guess.

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  • Medical Surgical Nursing Test Questions With Rationale

    It is important for the nurse to: A Evaluate the patients past history of sexual dysfunction: B Provide a time that enhances openness: C Collect data in a quiet, private environment: D Pull the curtains in a semiprivate room: Ans: C. Regardless of the total number of questions you answer, you are given 15 questions that are experimental pretest questions. That's why our Nurse Practitioner practice test questions include answer keys with detailed answer explanations. This question bank consists of two sets of questions. Common Health Problems of Older Adults 4.

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  • NCLEX-RN Practice Test - Answers & Rationales (Part 1) - NurseBuff

    A preschooler has a small laceration that required 2 stitches. The client should not feel energetic, get confused, or always be thirsty in relation to taking the prescribed dosage. Two of the four categories are divided into subcategories as shown below: Safe and Effective Care Environment. Below you will find sample questions covering both the math and the SJT sections of the test. Test Banks usually contain true and false questions, essay questions, multiple choice questions, short answer questions and matching questions. Free UPS Shipping on all orders. Treat the answers as a True or False question. We now have an exam format available, where a user can take a 60 question test composed of a mix of questions from a variety of Oncology and Hematology topics.

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  • NCLEX Practice Questions: #1 Free NCLEX Test Bank [] - Nurseslabs

    Read the question and answers carefully—do not jump into conclusions or make wild guesses. Videbeck pdf, answer. The beginning of modern nursing is traditionally considered to have begun with which event? Which order s for hydration should the nurse question? Choose all prescriptions that should be questioned. You are reminded that how well you do on these practice questions, does not predict results on your actual examination. The questions are designed to evaluate your knowledge, skills, and abilities at an entry-level position within advanced practice registered nursing.

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